Communal identity politics and ethno-religious conflicts in Taraba state, Nigeria


  • Ibrahim Suleiman Department of Political Science, Sa’adu Zungur University Bauchi State – Nigeria.
  • Musa Adamu Wunti Department of Political Science, Sa’adu Zungur University Bauchi State – Nigeria.
  • Abdulrasheed Adamu Department of Political Science, Sa’adu Zungur University Bauchi State – Nigeria.
  • Yusuf Musa Yahaya Department of Political Science, Sa’adu Zungur University Bauchi State – Nigeria.


Conflict, Ethnic, Identity, Politics, Religious


Communal identity politics and ethno-religious conflicts have been persistent issues in many parts of the world, often stemming from historical, social, and political factors. These conflicts are characterized by group mobilization along ethnic, religious, or cultural identities to pursue political goals or protect their interests. The ruling elites achieved their economic and political interest by employing unsuitable means of manipulating people along ethnic, religious and other identities in their quest to consolidate their dominance in politics and economy. The consequences of it are destruction of lives and properties and displacement of people from their homes and exposing them to insecurity, health risks, shelter and unemployment among others. Thus, this paper seeks to examine the role of communal identity politics towards fuelling ethnoreligious conflict in Taraba State. In achieving the stated objective, qualitative method of data collection is employed through the use of case study research design whereby data was collected through interviews in which (12) informants which comprised community leaders, political leaders and religious leaders were selected and interviewed. Moreover, protracted social conflict theory was adopted to guide the research. Therefore, the findings of the research revealed that hatred and mutual suspicion, marginalisation and discrimination among ethnic group, religion intolerance, issues of land ownership and lack of cordial relationship fuelled ethno-religious conflict in Taraba State. Furthermore, the study recommended that the government should promote narrative that can emphasize shared Nigerian identity and common goals, while still respecting diverse cultural and religious traditions. Realizing these incentives is very vital for developing effective measures for countering ethno-religious
conflict. In doing this government should support inter-community dialogue, organize regular forums and events that will bring leaders together and members of different ethnic and religious groups to foster unity and cooperation. Moreover, government should tackle the deep-seated grievances through reconciliatory process in order to acknowledge past conflicts and injustices, aiming to heal communal wounds and reduce long-standing inter-ethnic tensions, encourage economic interdependence and cooperation a cross communal lines in order to reduce competition for scarce resources. Government should support and strengthen grassroots civil society organizations, independent media, and watchdog groups that can
promote inter-tribal cooperation.




How to Cite

Suleiman, I. ., Wunti, M. A., Adamu, A. ., & Yahaya, Y. M. (2024). Communal identity politics and ethno-religious conflicts in Taraba state, Nigeria. International Journal of Intellectual Discourse, 7(4). Retrieved from


